Turcia se confruntă cu un fenomen rar, dar supărător pe coastele Mării Marmara, în apropiere de Istanbul. Zona a fost invadată de „mucilagiu marin”, o substanță vâscoasă ce acoperă suprafața apei ca o pătură. Guvernul turc a promis măsuri pentru rezolvarea problemei.

„Mucusul de mare” se răspândește în Marea Marmara, la sud de Istanbul, ajungând deja în zona de coastă. Fenomenul este favorizat de temperaturile crescute și reprezintă un pericol pentru viața marină și un inconvenient pentru industria pescuitului.
Substanța vâscoasă este produsă de niște alge supraîncărcate cu microoganisme. Schimbările climatice, dar și poluarea au contribuit la proliferarea materiei organice, cunoscută și sub numele de mucilagiu marin. Conține o mare varietate de microorganisme și poate „înflori” atunci când apele reziduale, bogate în substanțe organice, sunt deversate în mare.
„Situația dificilă a Mării Marmara este rezultatul a ceea ce au făcut oamenii. Acesta este rezultatul aruncării deșeurilor menajere și al poluării”, spune cineastul Tahsin Ceylan, care realizează un documentar despre impactul mucusului marin, scrie Reuters.
Imaginile filmate cu drona arată feriboturi și nave de marfă înconjurate de această substanță vâscoasă, cenușie, care poate sufoca viața marină.
„Singurul lucru pe care trebuie să-l faceți este să nu aruncați deșeurile în mare. Nu cred că natura nu merită asta”, spune regizorul.
La rândul său, biologul marin Levent Artuz avertizează că astfel de probleme ecologice vor continua dacă nu va exista o schimbare în comportamentul oamenilor. El spune că în ultimii ani a crescut cantitatea de ape uzate evacuate în mare.
This aerial photograph taken on June 4, 2021 in Turkey’s Marmara Sea at a harbor on the shoreline of Istanbul shows mucilage, a jelly-like layer of slime that develops on the surface of the water due to the excessive proliferation of phytoplankton, gravely threatening the marine biome. The mucilage has been informally referred to as „sea snot” and was first documented in Turkey’s waters in 2007. Experts warn the mucilage will occur more often because of global warming.,Image: 614257943, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia (210604) – ISTANBUL, June 4, 2021 (Xinhua) – Photo taken on June 4, 2021 shows a mucus-like substance known as „sea snot” in the Marmara Sea in Istanbul, Turkey. A mucus-like substance known as „sea snot” has been spreading in the Marmara Sea in Turkey’s biggest city Istanbul, as experts blame global warming and pollution. (Photo by Osman Orsal/Xinhua) TO GO WITH Feature: Expanding „sea snot” threatens environment in Turkey’s Istanbul,Image: 614323436, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia (210604) – ISTANBUL, June 4, 2021 (Xinhua) – Photo taken on June 4, 2021 shows a mucus-like substance known as „sea snot” in the Marmara Sea in Istanbul, Turkey. A mucus-like substance known as „sea snot” has been spreading in the Marmara Sea in Turkey’s biggest city Istanbul, as experts blame global warming and pollution. (Photo by Osman Orsal/Xinhua) TO GO WITH Feature: Expanding „sea snot” threatens environment in Turkey’s Istanbul,Image: 614323447, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia June 5, 2021, Istanbul, Turkey: Photo taken on June 5, 2021 shows a mucus-like substance known as sea snot in the Marmara Sea in Istanbul, Turkey. A mucus-like substance known as sea snot has been spreading in the Marmara Sea in Turkey s biggest city Istanbul, as experts blame global warming and pollution. The massive marine mucilage bloom that has been killing the undersea life of the Marmara Sea might also bring the end of the Black Sea, an expert warned while briefing the Turkish Parliament Global Climate Change Research Commission.,Image: 614411665, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Turkey Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia This photograph taken on May 30, 2021 shows mucilage, a thick, viscous fluid produced by phytoplankton, in Turkey’s Marmara Sea at a harbor on the shoreline of Istanbul. The mucilage has been informally referred to as „sea snot” and was first documented in Turkey’s waters in 2007. Experts warn the mucilage will occur more often because of global warming.,Image: 613265223, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia A abandonned ship surrounded by mucilage is pictured on the Marmara sea in Istanbul, on June 4, 2021. The mucilage, also reffered to as sea snot, is a jelly-like layer of slime that develops on the surface of the water due to the excessive proliferation of phytoplankton, gravely threatening the marine biome. Experts warn the mucilage will occur more often because of global warming.,Image: 614272044, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia June 5, 2021, Istanbul, Turkey: Photo taken on June 5, 2021 shows a mucus-like substance known as sea snot in the Marmara Sea in Istanbul, Turkey. A mucus-like substance known as sea snot has been spreading in the Marmara Sea in Turkey s biggest city Istanbul, as experts blame global warming and pollution. The massive marine mucilage bloom that has been killing the undersea life of the Marmara Sea might also bring the end of the Black Sea, an expert warned while briefing the Turkish Parliament Global Climate Change Research Commission.,Image: 614411702, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Turkey Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia This aerial photograph taken on June 4, 2021 in Turkey’s Marmara Sea at a harbor on the shoreline of Istanbul shows mucilage, a jelly-like layer of slime that develops on the surface of the water due to the excessive proliferation of phytoplankton, gravely threatening the marine biome. The mucilage has been informally referred to as „sea snot” and was first documented in Turkey’s waters in 2007. Experts warn the mucilage will occur more often because of global warming.,Image: 614257313, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia June 5, 2021, Istanbul, Turkey: Photo taken on June 5, 2021 shows a mucus-like substance known as sea snot in the Marmara Sea in Istanbul, Turkey. A mucus-like substance known as sea snot has been spreading in the Marmara Sea in Turkey s biggest city Istanbul, as experts blame global warming and pollution. The massive marine mucilage bloom that has been killing the undersea life of the Marmara Sea might also bring the end of the Black Sea, an expert warned while briefing the Turkish Parliament Global Climate Change Research Commission.,Image: 614411674, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: * Turkey Rights Out *, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia Marine mucilage, sometimes referred to as sea saliva or sea snot due to its viscous texture in Istanbul remains a dire threat for the Marmara Sea , Istanbul , Turkey on June 04 , 2021.,Image: 614320735, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Not available for publication in Turkey., Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia This aerial photograph taken on June 4, 2021 in Turkey’s Marmara Sea at a harbor on the shoreline of Istanbul shows mucilage, a jelly-like layer of slime that develops on the surface of the water due to the excessive proliferation of phytoplankton, gravely threatening the marine biome. The mucilage has been informally referred to as „sea snot” and was first documented in Turkey’s waters in 2007. Experts warn the mucilage will occur more often because of global warming.,Image: 614257319, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia This aerial photograph taken on June 4, 2021 in Turkey’s Marmara Sea at a harbor on the shoreline of Istanbul shows mucilage, a jelly-like layer of slime that develops on the surface of the water due to the excessive proliferation of phytoplankton, gravely threatening the marine biome. The mucilage has been informally referred to as „sea snot” and was first documented in Turkey’s waters in 2007. Experts warn the mucilage will occur more often because of global warming.,Image: 614258409, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia